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Life is a journey, rich in experiences, and with many lessons to be learned. 

I believe that Applied Astrology and Oracle Cards are tools that can be used to help bring meaning to those experiences and lessons.


My mission is to use Applied Astrology and Oracle Cards to empower you to live to your highest purpose.

Here is what I will do:


  • Create a safe, inviting, quiet online space that will allow me to be fully present and focused on the reading. 

  • Conduct your reading in alignment with my mission, so that you walk away feeling empowered. 

  • Treat you with respect 

  • Maintain strict confidentiality of the information shared during your Reading. 

  • Provide guidance and insight, but the next right step will be up to you. You are responsible for your actions and always have free will in which direction you choose to go. Nothing is set in stone.

  • Require parents to permit me to read their Child Birth Chart. A Child Birth Chart Reading aims to understand better how your child expresses their unique Energies and Elements from their Birth Chart. This is not to give any advice for medical, financial, or legal matters.

  • Refer you and your children to seek professional resources for medical, financial, or legal matters, as I am not qualified to give that kind of advice. The information gained from my Readings should not be used as a substitute for working with a psychologist, counselor, other healthcare professionals, financial advisor, or other professional advisors. 

  • If it comes up in our session, I might show you Eden Energy Exercises ( I am trained in Eden Energy Method Fundamentals) to enhance your vitality. I do not diagnose or treat physical or mental conditions. I am not a licensed mental health professional and do not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. 

Here is what I will NOT do:

  • Tell your fortune or suggest specific outcomes. I believe in free will and that we all have the power to change our path and the outcome of a situation at any time. 

  • Read for a third party without their expressed permission or the permission of a legal guardian. 

  • Provide services to anyone under 21   

  • Give you medical advice


I reserve the right to cancel any reading that does not meet the Code of Ethics. Payment is due at the time of booking, is non-refundable but can be transferred as a booking for another time.

Payments can be made through PayPal or if you are in Canada also per e-transfer.

Code of Ethics

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