Intuitive Oracle Card Reading
Unleash Your Intuition with your own Oracle Card Deck
What you will learn from this workshop

Energetic alignment
I will teach you techniques to prepare your energy for the Oracle Card Reading

Prepare the Cards and ask questions
You will learn how to prepare the Cards for the Reading and how to ask open ended questions

Intuitive Card Reading Process
You will learn how to make your cards come alive with their powerful wisdom and to become aware of the story they tell and I will teach you how to reflect on the Reading and how to write your action steps
By the end you will have
gained more confidence in Reading Oracle Cards intuitively
developed a good understanding of how to formulate questions to get insights
an understanding of how to reflect and take action steps on your insights
With these tools you will start to have a lifelong language with your best friend (your intuition) to always consult when you need guidance and this will help you manifest an authentic life.

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