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Image by Igor Kasalovic

Wisdom Circle

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A program and community for



& Transformation through the Moon Cycles



Ever wondered how your life could change when working intuitively with the Moon?


It gives you a deep feeling of direction and inner knowing what next step to take on your Soul Path and deepens your Intuition.



Have you ever felt the magick when you are guided by your Intuition?


A feeling of "Everything is ok." "Go this way." "You already know deep inside what to do!"




Do you want to work with your Oracle Cards?


I show you how!


Becoming deeply intuitive has been my life purpose and I am honored to show you the way into YOUR intuitive nature.


Welcome to the

Wisdom Circle


Your Journey to the seen and unseen realms!


Awaken your Inner Wisdom and bring the magickal into your day to day life!

Image by Javardh

The Wisdom Circle is for you if you are ready to

grow your intuitive skills


awaken your ability to co-create with the Cycles of the Moon and to step into your life with a deeper purpose  and connection to the unseen world guided by your Intuition


connect with yourself and the unseen world with practical Intuitive Practices, Rituals, and Ceremonies


find direction in life with Oracle Cards and work with your Cards intuitively


embrace Self-Reflection, Journaling, Self-Change and Contemplation


deepen your Divine Feminine, which is the receptive part of yourself


Image by Johannes Plenio

My life has changed greatly with learning to be intuitive in my life that I hadn't used in sometime now.  A door has opened in my life with the Wisdom Circle and I am glad Patricia that I took your offer to join.


~Wisdom Circle Member


What is this community about?

I created this transformational community for women like you to come together, grow your intuitive abilities, and evolve with the deeper Cycles of the Moon.


As a member, you will work directly with me in our monthly Zoom Gatherings. We will look into your Astrological Birth chart and I will guide you towards your next steps. And I am here for you, if needed, with ongoing written support in between Zoom Gatherings.

Thanks Patricia! I watched the replay of our Zoom Gathering and it was very interesting. I particularly enjoyed your oracle card spread teachings. Also understanding and using yes/no as an intuitive practice. I look forward to the next Zoom gathering :)

~Wisdom Circle Member


Guidance on how to intuitively notice how you can align with your soul path by intuitively working with the Moon Cycle for personal development


Every New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, and Last Quarter Moon (weekly) you will get written  and printable insights into the specific Moon Energies for your personal development and how to apply these to your life. A written Intuitive Practice, and a written Oracle Card Reading (specific for everyone in the Wisdom Circle) from me so that you can intuitively feel into this energy and gain insights into your next step on your Soul Path. 


By working with this you will create a "Book of Moons" which will be a Journal in which you then can look back to for your past experiences, intuitive nudges, and card insights so that you can see how you evolved and what you have manifested!


2.5 day Emotional Weather Report to enhance your emotional vitality

​Printable Oracle Spreads to get guidance from the universe

Monthly Zoom Gatherings

Community Forum

15% discount on my Readings

Ongoing support from me with Love, Empowerment & Encouragement

I am personally here for you and active in the community!



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Membership includes

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Joining will help you to



feel more confident in your decisions when using the tools provided


learn to trust your intuition by putting it into practice


start to experience that you are never alone and that Spirit and the Moon are always guiding you


have practical tools and techniques that are easy to use every day in your daily life. 


gain more confidence in yourself and have life directions when putting in the time to work with the provided Practices, Oracle Spreads and the Moon Cycles


create self-change and the ability to take charge of your life

I will be right by your side to guide you step by step!

I really enjoy being a part of the Wisdom Circle Sisterhood. It allows me to be with like minded women who support each other and share their experiences and ideas. Patricia is a great intuitive leader who supports and encourages everyone to share their intuitive experiences. I learn energy practices and oracle card spreads that are also given in a pdf format so it can easily be downloaded and printed.
Patricia also provides self-development book recommendations.

~Wisdom Circle Member

The recent Zoom gathering helped me to understand oracle card spreads and how to choose a card as well as interpret its meaning as it relates to my life. Patricia also taught us how to use energy practices in our daily life through tapping. I now have a greater understanding of oracle cards, and how I can incorporate tapping into my life. I look forward to more teachings and further developing intuitive, energy practices and oracle card practices with the Wisdom Circle Sisterhood.

~Wisdom Circle Member

Pricing Plan

Step into your Divine Inner Wisdom and Manifest with the universe!

  • Wisdom Circle Sisterhood

    Every month
    Cancel any time

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